Plastic and reconstructive surgeryPlastic surgery is a surgical specialty that deals with all the correction of the congenital process, acquired, tumor or simply involutive, that requires some repair or replacement, or that affects the form and / or function of the body, as defined by the Spanish Society for Surgery plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE).

The Reconstructive Plastic Surgery tries to restore or to improve both the function and the physical appearance in lesions caused by diseases and tumors, while Aesthetic Plastic Surgery deals with patients who are generally healthy and its purpose is to correct abnormalities of the aesthetic norm in order to obtain a better body harmony.

At the Breast Pathology Unit of Dr. Morales we have a full team of professionals, specifically dedicated to Senology and Plastic Breast Surgery, with the goal of optimizing our results and increase the satisfaction of our patients, by means of offering the newest treatments.